Freshwater Fish

Chili Rasbora: Care Guide, Diet, and Compatibility

Chili Rasbora

Chili Rasbora Facts & Overview

Chili Rasboras, scientifically christened as Boraras Brigittae, don a striking red-orange hue, becoming a vibrant staple for your aquarium. Regarded as one of the tiniest tropical fish worldwide with a maximum Chili Rasbora size of just about 0.7 inches, these beautiful creatures pose an excellent choice for aquarists who wish to brighten up their nano tanks. Seeping into existence from the southwestern regions of Borneo in Indonesia, these fish thrive in slow-moving rainforest rivers and streams.


Natively located in the southwestern arena of Borneo, Indonesia, these petite swimmers trademark their existence in slow-paced river streams embroidered throughout lush green rainforests. Unique environmental conditions mark their habitat, with acid-dyed waters and a darker environment owing to the forest canopy’s shielding effect, making it low lit.

Adult Size & Life Expectancy

Conservatively measuring around 0.7 inches in adulthood, the Chili Rasbora size classifies them among the world’s smallest tropical fish. Despite their petite stature, they carry a captivating spirit.


Given their unique characteristics and elegant vibrance, the Chili Rasbora has cemented its position in the marine pet industry, escalating its demand among enthusiasts and experts alike.

Fact CategoryChili Rasbora Traits
Scientific NameBoraras Brigittae
OriginSouthwestern Borneo, Indonesia
Adult Size0.7 inches
ColorReddish-orange with a distinctive black and red line
Common BehaviorPeaceful and adaptable to different water conditions
DietOmnivorous – small invertebrates, insect larvae, zooplankton
Ideal Water ConditionsNeutral pH, temperature between 72°F and 82°F (22°C – 27°C)
Breeding BehaviorPeaceful, and adaptable to different water conditions
LifespanSeveral years with optimum care

Appearance & Behavior

Renowned as the jeweled mavericks of the dimly lit aquatic world, Chili Rasboras mesmerize spectators with their vivid coloring and distinctive black and red stripes trailing down their core.

Colors, Patterns, and Chili Rasbora Size

These versatile swimmers are the epitome of underwater grace, adorned with resplendent red-orange scales and a unique black-red line running longitudinally. Their unusually large eyes, reminiscent of betta and killifish, assist them in their naturally dim habitats.

Typical Behavior

Though small in Chili Rasbora size, they come loaded with a peaceful demeanor, swiftly adapting to varying water conditions. This docile nature, paired with their impressive ability to co-exist with non-aggressive tank mates, further magnifies their appeal among aquarists.

Chili Rasbora Tank & Water Requirements

Subtly dancing in the soft, low light environment of rivers, Chili Rasboras intimately require neutral pH conditions and a specific Chili Rasbora temperature range.

Habitat and Tank Requirements

Echoing their natural dwelling, they favor similar settings in captivity. From slow-paced streams to pools in tropical peat bogs, they adjust to a myriad of conditions. A well-balanced and maintained nano aquarium setup calibrated to their needs will serve as an excellent home.

Water Conditions

In reverence of their origin, they thrive in well-maintained water with a neutral pH and a Chili Rasbora temperature between 72°F and 82°F (22°C – 27°C). Nurturing them under these conditions effectively mirrors their native habitat. It’s essential to constantly monitor the water conditions to keep your Chili Rasbora happy and healthy.

Care & Diet

No matter how diminutive the Chili Rasbora size may seem, maintaining these vibrant dwellers requires special attention to diet, general care, and constant vigilance of possible issues. Knowledge of their potential risk-factor will arm you to make informed decisions about adopting these species.

Diet and Feeding

As omnivorous by nature, Chili Rasboras enjoy feasting on small invertebrates, insect larvae, and zooplankton. High-quality dry foods serve as their primary diet in captivity, occasionally garnished with live or frozen food like Daphnia, Artemia, and microworm to ensure a balanced diet.

General Care

The art of caring for these tropical fish revolves around mimicking their natural habitat, ensuring good water quality, and providing a balanced diet. As prone to shifts in water conditions, it is crucial to maintain their health by regular water changes and balancing the Chili Rasbora temperature and pH.

Common Problems

Although Chili Rasboras exhibit commendable adaptability, abrupt changes in water conditions could trigger health issues. Predatory threats also peak due to their small size, hence cautious selection of Chili Rasbora tank mates is key.

Is a Chili Rasbora Dangerous?

Basking in their peaceful temperament, they pose no threat to their companions or their owners. However, their safety is compromised by aggressive or larger species.

Tank Mates

When it comes to selecting Chili Rasbora tank mates, strong considerations need to be in place. Their size allows them to transform from tank-mates to meals for larger, aggressive fish. Thus, compatibility analysis is indispensable.

Suitable companions include other small and peaceful fish like mini rasboras, small tetras, and guppies that harmonize well with the Chili Rasbora’s tranquil nature.

Good Tank MatesBad Tank Mates
Nano RasborasLarger, predatory fish species
Small TetrasAggressive species like larger Cichlids
GuppiesOther large, carnivorous fish

Chili Rasbora Lifespan

The life expectancy of a Chili Rasbora is yet another attractive aspect. Typically, well-cared-for Chili Rasboras may flaunt their vibrant colors in your aquarium for several years, adding to their appeal as a dedicated marine pet choice. However, in-depth knowledge about their lifestyle and optimum care triumphantly extends the Chili Rasbora’s lifespan.


Providing insight into Chili Rasbora’s breeding behavior exposes a fascinating narrative. Despite a propensity to lay petite adhesive eggs in densely vegetated aquariums, their natural breeding showcase unfolds differently. In the wild, Chili Rasbora is primarily found spawning in peat-stained waters—predominantly in the black water streams and pools. These insights would be of utmost intrigue to marine biology enthusiasts and aquarium hobbyists alike.

Should You Get a Chili Rasbora for Your Aquarium?

To answer this, we circle back to the captivating features that make the Chili Rasbora a desirable choice. From their vivid appearance to their peaceful nature, they add a balancing element to your aquarium environment. Moreover, if you’re equipped for the specific water conditions, including maintaining the ideal Chili Rasbora temperature and have a well-structured place to house them, these colorful critters could undoubtedly be a wonderful addition. However, choosing Chili Rasbora tank mates carefully is essential to prevent predation due to their small size.

Considering these factors can assist you in making an informed decision about whether the Chili Rasbora species is the right marine pet for your aquarium. If you have a planted nano or community aquarium and are capable of providing the apt care and environment, adding these lovely little creatures can benefit both you and the Chili Rasbora by bringing joy and vibrant life to your household.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Chili Rasbora, which might assist marine biology enthusiasts or prospective fish pet keepers in understanding this charming little fish species.

How big does a Chili Rasbora get?

Although relatively tiny, this does not undermine the appeal of the Chili Rasbora. A fully-grown Chili Rasbora size is approximately 0.7 inches, making its petite build perfect for nano aquariums.

What is the ideal Chili Rasbora temperature for my aquarium?

Chili Rasboras feel most comfortable in a Chili Rasbora temperature between 72°F and 82°F (22°C – 27°C). Mimicking the water condition of their natural habitat can significantly impact their health and overall well-being.

What are some good Chili Rasbora tank mates?

When selecting Chili Rasbora tank mates, look for equally peaceful and small fish species. Nano rasboras, small tetras, and guppies are good options.

What should I feed my Chili Rasbora?

Chili Rasboras thrive on a diet of high-quality dry foods, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as Daphnia, Artemia, and microworm. An omnivorous diet that replicates their food source in the wild contributes to better health and vivacity.

Is the Chili Rasbora an aggressive fish?

Far from it. With their peaceful disposition, Chili Rasboras are more prone to be victims, not aggressors. Proper choice of tank mates is thus crucial to avoid predatory harm to these tranquil creatures.

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