Do Cherry Shrimp Need a Heater?

  • October 29, 2023

The necessity of a heater in your Cherry Shrimp aquarium depends on your room’s ambient temperature. These tiny invertebrates prefer quite a broad range of temperatures, typically between 65°F and 80°F (18°C – 27°C). If your home temperatures frequently fall below this range, an aquarium heater is advisable to maintain their convenience zone. A stable […]

What is Needed for a Cherry Shrimp Tank?

  • October 29, 2023

Setting up a Cherry Shrimp tank calls for careful planning and meticulous execution. The first thing to consider is the size of the tank. A 5 to 10-gallon tank should suffice for a small group of Cherry Shrimps. Larger is always better, as it provides more stability in water parameters. The substratum plays a key […]

How Many Cherry Shrimp Can You Have in a 5-Gallon Tank?

  • October 29, 2023

When it comes to the number of Cherry Shrimps kept in a 5-gallon tank, a general rule of thumb is to have 10 shrimps per gallon. This means that a 5-gallon tank can comfortably house up to 50 Shrimp. However, note that although these types of freshwater shrimps have a minor bio-load, overstocking can lead […]

How Quickly Do Cherry Shrimp Grow?

  • October 29, 2023

Growing Cherry Shrimp in an aquarium can be a fascinating endeavor due to their relatively fast growth rate. Starting as minuscule beings post-hatching, they grow to reach their full size, about 1.5 inches, within 4 to 6 months. Their growth rate is influenced by several factors, including environmental conditions and nutrition. Optimal water parameters in […]

Are Cherry Shrimp Social?

  • October 29, 2023

Yes, Cherry Shrimp are social creatures. They are peaceful and most active during the day (diurnal), often found foraging together as a group. Due to their harmless nature, they make great additions to community tanks with non-aggressive fish species. Being together helps them feel secure, and their communal feeding habits make it quite a sight […]

Can Cherry Shrimp Live with Platies?

  • October 29, 2023

Yes, Cherry Shrimp can live with platies harmoniously. Both Cherry Shrimp and platies are peaceful creatures that prefer similar water parameters, making them compatible tank mates. Platies, predominantly herbivores, will not treat shrimp as their food, making it safe for the latter. However, larger platies may accidentally swallow baby shrimp. So, providing ample hiding spots […]

How Much Do Cherry Shrimp Cost?

  • October 29, 2023

The cost of Cherry Shrimp can vary widely, primarily based on factors like their age, quality, grade, and the store you’re buying from. Typically, you can purchase these wonderful shrimp for somewhere between $2 to $6 each. High-grade Cherry Shrimps, possessing an intensely bright red color, are commonly priced higher due to their desirable aesthetic […]

Can Cherry Shrimp Live with Guppies?

  • October 29, 2023

Yes, Cherry Shrimp can share a tank with guppies. Both species are peaceful, prefer similar water parameters, and are typically good community tank dwellers. Guppies feed primarily on high-protein food and are unlikely to prey upon adult shrimp. Consider two things, although guppies do not usually exhibit aggressive behavior, they might eat baby shrimp. So, ample […]

Why are My Cherry Shrimp Turning White?

  • October 29, 2023

Cherry Shrimp turning white might be displaying symptoms of a condition known as “White Muscle Disease”. It’s a nutritional disorder commonly linked to a lack of proper diet, particularly a deficiency in vitamins and minerals. Aggravating factors could include sub-optimal water conditions. High nitrate levels, drastic temperature shifts, or water parameters mismatching their optimal range […]

How Many Cherry Shrimp Can You Keep in a 10-Gallon Tank?

  • October 29, 2023

A 10-gallon tank boasts twice the capacity of a 5-gallon setup, thereby housing double the Cherry Shrimp amount. Following the thumb rule of 10 shrimps per gallon, theoretically, you can host up to 100 Cherry Shrimp in such a setup. However, consider that this is the maximum capacity. As a diligent aquarist, account for maintenance […]