Can Cherry Shrimp Live with Neon Tetras?

  • October 29, 2023

Yes, Cherry Shrimp can coexist with neon tetras. Both species appreciate similar water conditions, and neon tetras are peaceful fish that won’t harass or prey on adult Cherry Shrimp, making them good tankmates. However, it’s still possible for neon tetras to eat baby shrimps. A well-planted aquarium boasting ample hiding spots can cater to the coexistence […]

Are Otos Schooling Fish?

  • October 29, 2023

Yes, Otocinclus, commonly known as Otos, are social and do best in groups. These small catfish are strongly herd oriented and prefer living in schools of their own kind. Keeping them in groups enhances their sense of security and can significantly decrease stress, leading to better overall health and longevity. Aquarists advise maintaining a group […]

Do Otocinclus Eat Cucumbers?

  • October 29, 2023

While the Otocinclus are known for their algae-eating trait, they also partake in a variety of vegetables, including cucumbers. Simply blanch the cucumber and secure it to the bottom of the tank. Over time, you may even find your Otos nibbling away at it. However, cucumbers or any other vegetable should not replace algae as their […]

Do Otocinclus Need to Be Kept Together?

  • October 29, 2023

Otocinclus are social creatures and thrive when kept together in a group. They exhibit schooling behavior and often stick together, particularly when resting or feeding. Being kept in a group reduces their stress levels, enhances their natural behavior, and can contribute to their longevity. Aquarium hobbyists are advised to keep a minimum group of 3-6 […]

Do Otocinclus Lay Eggs?

  • October 29, 2023

Yes, like most fish, Otocinclus reproduce by laying eggs. However, breeding Otocinclus in home aquariums can be a challenging endeavor as it requires specific conditions. The water temperature, pH levels, and other water parameters need to be optimal for successful breeding. The female lays eggs on the aquarium glass, plants, or other surfaces, and the male […]

How Many Otos Can Be Kept in a 10-Gallon Tank?

  • October 29, 2023

A 10-gallon tank could theoretically accommodate around 3-4 Otocinclus, considering the thumb rule of one inch of fish per gallon. Otos are small, typically growing only to 1.5-2 inches, so their size permits keeping a small group even in modestly sized tanks. However, Otocinclus are active and love to explore, and more significantly, they are social creatures. […]

Do Otocinclus Clean Glass?

  • October 29, 2023

Yes, Otocinclus, fondly termed as ‘Otos,’ are known for their excellent cleaning prowess, even efficiently scrubbing the glass walls of an aquarium. Their small size and natural inclination to graze algae make them perfect candidates for glass cleaning duties. They play an essential role in controlling unwanted algae growth in tanks, making them desirable for […]

How Often Should I Feed an Otocinclus?

  • October 29, 2023

If your aquarium has an adequate supply of algae, Otocinclus may not require daily feeding. However, supplemental feeding becomes necessary once the natural algae levels are depleted. In such cases, daily feeding works well for Otos, given their continuous grazing behavior. For their diet, you can provide algae wafers, sinking pellets, blanched vegetables like cucumbers or […]

Do Otocinclus Produce a Lot of Waste?

  • October 29, 2023

Otocinclus, like any other fish species, do produce waste material. Still, considering their small size, the amount of waste they generate is relatively less compared to larger fish species. Keeping this in mind, a couple of Otos won’t drastically impact the overall bioload of your aquarium. However, having a reliable filter mechanism in place, conducting […]

Can Otocinclus Live Alone?

  • October 29, 2023

While Otocinclus are capable of living alone in an aquarium, it’s not the recommended setup for these social creatures. Acclimating to a new environment can be significantly more stressful for a solitary Oto compared to being introduced as part of a group. In the wild, Otocinclus are found in groups that exhibit schooling behavior, and they are […]